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Professional Experience

February - November 2022

Fulbright Research Scholar

Researching the ways in which more equitable access to extracurriculars and sport opportunities affects students academic, professional, and emotional wellbeing. Developing curriculum to support mindfulness and movement in the classroom.

August - December 2021

Guest Teacher

• Located at a variety of high school and middle school settings in Social Studies, Spanish, English, and Science classrooms
• Followed lesson plan instructions/created my own plans in a time sensitive environment
• Flexible, communicative, creative skills.

4J Public Schools and Springfield Public Schools

August 2020-August 2021

Middle School Social Studies Teacher

• Taught 6th grade MN Studies and History Day (Project based learning) elective
• Worked in Distance Learning, On-Site Support, and Hybrid school models
• Encouraged learning through group work, scaffolding practices, and Understanding by Design methods

Saint Paul Public Schools

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