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Sofía Mulholland Cerkvenik, she/her

Welcome! My name is Sofía and I am a Peruvian American educator and researcher. I was born in Lima, Perú, adopted as an infant, and grew up in Saint Paul, Minnesota, USA. I attended the University of Minnesota and in 2018 earned a B.A. in History and a minor in Asian Languages and Literatures, In 2019 I earned an M.Ed in Social Studies Education with an emphasis in Social Justice. I hold Social Studies teaching licenses in Minnesota and Oregon and have taught in both states.


I was awarded a Fulbright research grant by the US Department of State and the Comisión Fulbright Perú to conduct independent research. I study the benefits of equitable access to sports on students’ academic and emotional wellbeing. The primary case study for this work is the development of youth girls soccer programs across the country. Currently, I am teaching in Minnesota in have been awarded grant funding through Fund For Teachers to extend my research this summer.

Summer 2024 I will working in Perú, working with partner organizations to develop curriculum that uses mindfulness and movement practices in the traditional classroom setting.

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